Wednesday, October 31, 2012

MARYLAND CAR ACCIDENT LAWYER Do I have to have insurance?

Maryland car accident lawyers will advise you, if you live in Maryland, or anywhere else in the land, the answer is yes, as all states have mandatory liability insurance. But the minimum requirements on those policies can be incongruous. Baltimore, one of the places that you are most likely to be involved in a car accident, is under the auspices of Maryland’s mandatory minimum of 30,000 in liability insurance coverage. One the other hand, two of the comparatively safer places to drive a car, Maine  and Arkansas have mandatory minimums of 50,000 in liability insurance. Maryland car accident lawyers familiar with the laws of other jurisdictions have seen the lack of correlation in other states as well. NJ and PA, two of the comparatively least safe places to operate a motor vehicle have mandatory minimums of only 15,000 in liability insurance.

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