Thursday, June 21, 2012


I've highlighted some injuries commonly sustained by the victims of Maryland car accidents. You'll see some medical terminology in this article. But make no mistake, I'm not a doctor, and nothing in this article is medical advice, and should not be used as such. These materials are presented for general, educational purposes only. If you've been injured in Maryland car accident, by all mean seek the care and attendance of a qualified physician without delay.

Motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of concussions. Thurman D, The epidemiology and economics of head trauma. In: Miller L, Ayes R, editors. Head Trauma: Basic, Preclinical, and Clinical Directions. New York: John Wiley and Sons; 2001. pp. 327-47. The Mayo Clinic tells us that "[a] concussion is a traumatic brain injury that alters the way your brain functions. Effects are usually temporary, but can include problems with headache, concentration, memory, judgment, balance and coordination." It's generally agreed that a concussion is the most common, mildest, least severe form of brain injury. Beyond that, there is a lack of uniformity and consensus on concussions.  Some Maryland car accident lawyers may be aware that there are, apparently, 16 different scales to measure the severity of concussions. Hayden MG, Jandial R, Duenas HA, Mahajan R, Levy M (2007). "Pediatric Concussions in Sports: A Simple and Rapid Assessment Tool for Concussive Injury in Children and Adults". Child's Nervous System 23 (4): 431–435. Seasoned Maryland car accident lawyers know the standard treatment for a concussion is "rest", and symptoms usually resolve within a matter of weeks.  However, the CDC advises us that 15% of people with concussions will develop severe, permanent symptoms. [Heads Up: Facts for Physicians about Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, CDC]. The modern trend is to refer to a concussion as a MTBI [mild traumatic brain injury]. 

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